Founded in 1970, in beautiful, florid, green Franciacorta, Gerard's is a cosmetic brand which is exclusively made in Italy. We meet the needs of both beauty professionals and consumers, by utilizing elements which are eco-friendly in order to create a functional modular cosmetic system, based on special formulas which produce immediate results.

Gerardo Barbieri - Natural Cosmetics
With his forward-thinking sensitivity to women's needs, he created a cosmetic system which works: specific solutions to specific needs.

Renata Pelati -
The new concept of holistic beauty treatments becomes the innovative path taken by Gerard's on the journey towards Mindful Wellbeing – the perfect balance between spiritual fulfillment and physical harmony.

Luana Pelati - Cosmetic culture
Direttore Creativo, conduce il marchio alla piena vocazione internazionale, capace di integrare estetica ed essenza con maturità in una rinnovata immagine coordinata. Affermando nel mondo il valore riconosciuto delle formulazioni e dei trattamenti Gerard’s attraverso una consolidata brand awareness.
Dr. Gerardo Barbieri founds Gerard’s, with just one mission, the same mission it has always had: to meet the ever-evolving needs of contemporary women with specific cosmetic solutions which work. Our active ingredients are completely natural, and therefore provide the maximum protection to the skin.

The promotion of“Mon Prix”, the lifting vial most beloved in the world, begins. As its name implies, it is a real and effective reward to the skin.Based on relaxing and toning active ingredients, it gives newfound firmness and an immediate younger and fresher look to the face, even without make-up.

“Reducing”, Gerard’s cult cream which successfully combats cellulite and widespread fatty deposits, is marketed for the first time. A loyal ally to the skin, it is based on selected ingredients such birch, ivy, horse chestnut, and plant collagen, which facilitate the absorption of subcutaneous deposits, thus improving orange-peel skin, taking off centimeters from the figure, and smoothing and toning the skin.

Anti-fatigue Gel, the super-active treatment for tired legs with circulation problems, swelling, and heaviness becomes part of our collection.It is an invigorating Gel which is appreciated by athletes, offers immediate relief to tired joints and renders the skin immediately softer, smoother and more velvet-like

Renata Pelati, second generation Gerard’s, is named new CEO of Gerard’s, and fervently dedicates herself to the research of cosmetic solutions that work, by creating innovative systems which involve revolutionary integrated facial-body treatments which make the maximum use of Gerards’s products dedicated to professional use.

Gerard’s presents its new line of Sun Protection Care Products, a range of cult products inspired by the most beautiful Italian beach locations. It is a complete line, characterized by a double-protection filter - (UVA and UVB), with various strengths, and enriched with restructuring, smoothing and rehydrating components. We guarantee a beautiful, intense tan and 100% protected skin.

Global Snelling is the ultra-performance massage which remodels the figure and promotes the loss of centimeters, restoring a slimmed-down and sculpted effect to the silhouette, by applying exclusive anti-blockage manual massage techniques.

The range of Gerard’s products dedicated to the body is enriched by the addition of two more cult products: Beauty Mamma Cellulite and Stretch-marks, which are dedicated to pregnant women

Viene formulata Caviar Cream>, la crema crono cosmetica a base di purissimo estratto di caviale grigio ricco in vitamine e attivo nella rigenerazione cellulare e collagene marino, per un potente e prolungato effetto anti-age.

Chocolat Massageis launched. It is a sinful massage based on pure dark chocolate which moisturizes the skin deeply, while emerging the whole body in an authentic, totally sensual experience. TryChocolat Cream, the cream for home use, to prolong the endorphin boost at home!

Gerard’s presentsBamboo Massage, its exclusive anti-contracture massage carried out using special bambù canes which remodel the body, thanks to their draining and anti-cellulite effect. Bamboo Creamoil helps to prolong the relaxing effect at home.

Our Pepper line, two extraordinary products inspired by the incomparable landscapes of Provence, in launched. Two luxurious rituals exfoliate, nourish and calm body and mind, utilizing the aroma-therapeutic qualities of myrrh and sweet orange.

Gerard’s laboratories develop Dermashine, the potent dermal-cosmetic peeling based on an exclusive pool of powerful acids which regenerate the grain of the skin, restoring luminosity and firmness to the face

Gerard’s holistic vocation manifests itself in Yantra Massage, a magical voyage towards well-being which mesmerizes the senses by relaxing body and mind. Much more than a simple massage, it offers a gratifying break from frantic day-to-day life.

Gerard’s celebrates it first 45 years of activity with a world-class restyling of its image.

La prima linea completa di protezioni solari Sea & Skin Friendly, la migliore protezione per la pelle, la migliore soluzione per il mare. Privo di ingredienti ritenuti dannosi per la pelle e l’ecosistema marino, green pack, reef safe e water proof.